Staffed by skilled childcare professionals. We provide safe, quality materials to promote physical and spiritual development. Child care is offered on Sundays from 9:40 AM to 11:30 AM.
Children are supported in their developing relationship with God through faith-based curricula, including Whirl Lectionary, which uses animated videos and activities to help children engage with the same readings adults hear in church, and Godly Play, which involves showing and telling a biblical story using Montessori-style approaches.
Our Youth members gather together for fun, fellowship, and faith. Most months during the school year, youth meet bi-weekly for social outings, service opportunities, and spiritual conversations. In the summer, youth can travel together on a trip focusing on service or pilgrimage.
Preparation for confirmation in the Episcopal church. Open to all baptized persons in the 8th grade and up.
Youth members also have opportunities through music, supporting church services, mission trips, and community service.